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Julio M. Vinke

Teacher, Student, Philosopher, Wanderer





A.G.A Amsterdam Grappling Academy 

Date of Birth:

Reborn every day. 

A Bit About Me

Everybody has a story, and honestly I'm still writing mine. I'll let you know when my biography comes out.  Okay, just a little bit of skin reveal then. I'm Julio, Jamaica, Panda, Ju, Julinho, Asshole, Bubbles...and these are just a few of my names and who I am/was at one point. For the sake of being concise, let's stick with Julio, and I'll take you on adventure. My goal is to stretch your mind to the point of snapping, then let it go to see how far you'll get. 

I've been wandering this world for 30 odd years, gathering knowledge, learning from experience and ocassionally opening a book. Though I realize I'm still in the prime of life, my mind feels as old as time itself, while other times I feel I'm no more than a child, trying to comprehend a vast universe I would need more than a thousand years to begin to understand. Speaking of the questions and ideas come from the big old question: Where is God in this? 


I'm first and foremost man, a christian, a son, a brother, a cousin, an uncle to the youngest ones. But most of all I'm a friend. Let me show you my view of the world, my promise isn't eternal wisdom, but you'll have fun along the way.

Work Experience

June 2015 - April 2024
Brazil - Netherlands

March 2011 - May 2015
Belgium- Brazil

January 2000- February 2011
Brazil - Netherlands

I've found my calling, to mentor, guide, teach. To be a friend, a brother, a confidant. To slap younglings to their senses, to hug grown men to healing their trauma. 

My jiu-jitsu adventure begins. My passion, the thing that was first mine, not an inheritance from my ancestors, not a suggestion, not a fancy. My first wife, to whom I devote myself, about three times a day.

Lolly-gagging at Taekwondo and Boxing and figuring out that being tall will not always save you. Mostly yes, but 18398 punches to the gut later, I wondered if there was something else. Boxing came from a grandfather, my Amsterdam family tree seem to all have dabbled in the art of fisty-cuffs. 

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